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Mathematical constants defined in Jumble: π, π / 2, 2 π, √2, Euler constant, π / 180, 180 / π. See module nrtype.

Find below a list of procedures with a short description for each and a link to the source code.

From NR_util

  • array_copy: Copies to a destination array dest the one-dimensional array src, or as much of src as will fit in dest.

  • arth: Arithmetic progression.

  • assert_eq: Exit with error message if integer arguments not all equal.

  • assert: Exit with error message if any assertion is false.

  • cumprod: Cumulative product on an array, with optional multiplicative seed.

  • cumsum: Cumulative sums of one-dimensional array, with optional seed value.

  • diagadd: Adds vector to diagonal of a matrix.

  • diagmult: Multiplies vector into diagonal of a matrix.

  • geop: Return a geometrical progression as an array.

  • get_diag: Gets diagonal of a matrix.

  • ifirstloc: Location of first true value in a logical array, returned as an integer.

  • lower_triangle: Returns a lower triangular logical mask.

  • nrerror: Exit with error message.

  • outerand: Returns the outer logical and of two vectors.

  • outerdiff: Returns a matrix that is the outer difference of two vectors.

  • outerdiv: Returns a matrix that is the outer quotient of two vectors.

  • outerprod: Returns the outer product of two vectors.

  • outersum: Returns the outer sum of two vectors.

  • poly: Evaluate a polynomial P(x) for one or more values x, with optional mask.

  • poly_term: Returns partial cumulants of a polynomial, equivalent to synthetic division.

  • put_diag: Sets diagonal of a matrix.

  • reallocate: Reallocate pointer to new size, preserving its contents.

  • scatter_add: Scatter-adds source vector to specified components of destination vector.

  • scatter_max: Scatter-max source vector to specified components of destination vector.

  • swap: Swap elements of two input arguments corresponding to input mask.

  • unit_matrix: Sets matrix to be a unit matrix.

  • upper_triangle: Returns an upper triangular logical mask.

  • vabs: Length of a vector in L2 norm.

  • zroots_unity: Returns nn consecutive powers of the nth root of unity.


  • compare: Prints maximum absolute difference and maximum relative difference between two real arrays, with the location of this maximum.

  • count_lines: Counts the number of lines in an external file.

  • csvread: Reads numeric values from a CSV (comma-separated values) file.

  • get_command_arg_dyn: Wrapper for get_command_argument with automatic allocation of the character argument.

  • new_unit: Provides a licit and not already opened external file unit.

  • pr_matrix: Pretty prints a real matrix.

  • read_column: Reads a column of values in an external file, given by its file name.

  • read_opcol: Reads a column of values in an external file, given by its logical unit.

  • readline: Reads a line from an external file.

Linear algebra in 2 dimensions on real numbers

  • determin: Computes the determinant of a (2, 2) real matrix.

  • eigval: Computes real eigenvalues of a (2, 2) real matrix.

  • eigvect: Computes the matrix of eigenvectors of a (2, 2) real matrix.

  • inv_mat: Computes the inverse of a (2, 2) real matrix.

  • set2lin: Solves a set of 2 linear equations.


  • argwhere: Finds the indices of true elements.

  • avg_mag: Computes average magnitude of an array: average of decimal log of absolute value, where not 0.

  • averge: Computes the arithmetic average of arithmetic and geometric averages.

  • averge: Computes the arithmetic average of arithmetic and geometric averages.

  • count_substrings: Counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a string.

  • divisors: Returns all the divisors of a given integer.

  • ediff1d: Computes the differences between consecutive elements of an array.

  • greg2jd: Converts a date on the Gregorian or Julian calendar to a Julian date. Adapted from David G. Simpson.

  • iso_varying_string: Varying-length strings, conformant to ISO Fortran 95 extension, by Rich Townsend.

  • mean: Computes the mean, taking missing values into account.

  • opt_merge: Merges an optional parameter and a default value.

  • pack_indices: Given a two-dimensional integer array and a list of array values to be excluded, returns the indices of the elements not excluded

  • point: Returns the element of an array, given the vector of its indices.

  • quadrat: Computes the real roots of a quadratic equation with real coefficients.

  • rectsph: Converts rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates.

  • sphbase: Returns the matrix of the spherical base: (radial vector, colatitude vector, azimuthal vector) in the cartesian vector base: (x, y, z).

  • sphrect: Converts spherical coordinates to rectangular coordinates.

  • squeeze: Replaces repeated successive occurrences of a character in a string by a single occurrence of that character.

  • uniq: Reports or omits repeated elements of an array.