
See note for users of French supercomputing centers.



  1. Get max_diff_nc from Github. As the Git repository contains a submodule, the easiest way is to type:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

    If you prefer to download a ZIP file then you will also have to download the cmake subdirectory.

  2. Create a build subdirectory in the Max_diff_nc directory you have just downloaded:

    cd the-directory-you-have-just-downloaded
    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Decide in which directory you want to install the program after compilation and type the command below with your choice after -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= (enter an absolute path). The installation process will install a shell script,, in $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin. It is convenient for $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin to be in your PATH environment variable. For example:

    cmake .. -DFETCH=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local
  4. Type:

    make install

You do not need to keep the downloaded directory Max_diff_nc (nor the build directory) after installation. Note that the installation process also installs a Fortran executable file, max_diff_nc, in $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec. Do not remove this file.

Advanced instructions

  • You can choose any name and any location for the build directory. You have to refer to the source directory when you run cmake from the build directory:

    mkdir /wherever/any/name
    cd /wherever/any/name
    cmake /where/I/downloaded/Max_diff_nc -DFETCH=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local
  • The option -DFETCH=ON instructs CMake to download, compile and install the libraries NetCDF95 and Jumble. If you have already installed these libraries, you can omit the FETCH option.


If your installation of NetCDF or NetCDF-Fortran is in a non-standard location, and CMake does not find it, then re-run cmake setting the variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the directory containing it. CMake will then search ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib, ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/include, etc. For example:

cmake . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH=/path/to/my/favorite/installation

  1. On Mac OS, after downloading the application from the CMake web site, run it, then click on “How to Install For Command Line Use” in the Tools menu.